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Oboro Muramasa PlayStationVita the Best

游戏ID: PCSG00150

上传日期:2024-10-27 20:45:09


  • # ID: PCSG00150
    # Title: Oboro Muramasa PlayStationVita the Best
    # Region: JPN
    # Version: 1.07
    # Type: MaiDump/NoNpDrm
    # Code Author: dask
    # Credits: Tsukasa
    # Source: PCSG00150.psv
    # Original Source: 19936.html
    # Original Source: forum/forum/playstation-hacking/playstation-vita-hacking/code-vault-ps3-aa/2956-pcsg00150-muramasa-rebirth#post2956
    # Note: 3.60 变革0 enso with MaiDump Tool_V233.2zEx
    # - Chinese Version (But also works for the US and and EU Version (Tested it myself)

    _V0 Money 999999
    $3202 8140B490 000001A4
    $3200 00000000 00000200
    $3300 00000000 000F423F

    _V0 SoulS 999999
    $3202 8140B490 000001A4
    $3200 00000000 00000204
    $3300 00000000 000F423F

    _V0 Infinite Life
    $8202 8140B490 000001A4
    $8200 00000000 000001E8
    $8800 00000000 00000000
    $8602 8140B490 000001A4
    $8600 00000000 000001EC
    $8900 00000000 00000000

    _V0 EXP 999999
    $3202 8140B490 000001A4
    $3200 00000000 000001FC
    $3300 00000000 000F423F

    _V0 Life Max 999999
    $3202 8140B490 000001A4
    $3200 00000000 000001EC
    $3300 00000000 000F423F

    _V0 Spirit 999999
    $3202 8140B490 000001A4
    $3200 00000000 00000208
    $3300 00000000 000F423F

    _V0 Strength 9999
    $3102 8140B490 000001A4
    $3100 00000000 00000210
    $3300 00000000 0000270F

    _V0 Vitality 9999
    $3102 8140B490 000001A4
    $3100 00000000 00000212
    $3300 00000000 0000270F

    _V0 Press to Spiritual Energy Max
    $C204 00000001 00008000
    $7102 8140B490 0000007C
    $7100 00000000 000003B0
    $7702 00000000 00001770
    $0003 00000024 00000000
    $C204 00000001 00008000
    $7102 8140B490 000001A8
    $7100 00000000 00000558
    $7702 00000000 00001770
    $0003 0000000C 00000000

    _V0 Swords Never Broken
    $7002 8140B490 0000007C
    $7000 00000000 000003B4
    $7702 00000000 00000000
    $0003 00000024 00000000
    $7002 8140B490 000001A8
    $7000 00000000 00000554
    $7702 00000000 00000000
    $0003 0000000C 00000000

    _V0 Unlock All Swords
    $7002 8140B490 0000007C
    $7000 00000000 0000010F
    $7702 00000000 00000001
    $006C 00000001 00000000
    $7002 8140B490 0000007C
    $7000 00000000 0000018F
    $7702 00000000 00000001
    $006C 00000001 00000000
    $7002 8140B490 0000007C
    $7000 00000000 0000020F
    $7702 00000000 00000001
    $006C 00000001 00000000
    $7002 8140B490 0000007C
    $7000 00000000 0000028F
    $7702 00000000 00000001
    $006C 00000001 00000000
    $7002 8140B490 0000007C
    $7000 00000000 0000030F
    $7702 00000000 00000001
    $006C 00000001 00000000



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