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Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus

游戏ID: PCSE00021

上传日期:2024-12-15 18:10:51


  • # ID: PCSE00021
    # Title: Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
    # Region: USA
    # Version: 1.00
    # Type: NoNpDrm
    # Code Author: Borderlinez, speedfly
    # Source: PCSE00021.psv
    # Original Source: forum/forum/playstation-hacking/playstation-vita-hacking/code-vault-ps3-aa/3160-pcse00021-ninja-gaiden-sigma-plus#post3160
    # Original Source: 21496.html
    # Note: Borderlinezs notes:
    # - For easy master ninja rank on missions these codes are not for Ninja trials
    # - Infinite karma gives a ninja dog rank so no use hacking that code, and if you mess with the combo multiplier you will get a ninja dog rank as well .
    # - Mission clear time at 1.13 and the other timer when doing combos is stopped so you will get all your combo bonuses ! 10000
    # - The Jewel of the Spirit Smith crystal can be used to upgrade any weapon without going to muramasa if you just want to upgrade yourself playing the game normally

    _V0 黄魂//Essence
    $A200 81A31290 E2800EE7 #SPEEDFLY
    $A200 81A31294 E2800A37
    $A200 81A31298 E92D0002
    $A200 81A3129C E59F100C
    $A200 81A312A0 E5801000
    $A200 81A312A4 E8BD0002
    $A200 81A312A8 E51FF004
    $A200 81A312AC 81066311
    $A200 81A312B0 0001869E
    $A200 81066308 47781C00
    $A200 8106630C EA272BDF

    _V1 Health/full health gauge unlocked*
    $0200 81E37BB4 0E100E10
    $0200 81E37BB8 0E100E10
    $0200 81E37B84 FFFF0E10
    $0200 81E37B94 0E100E10

    _V1 Ki + full Ki Gauge Unlocked*
    $0200 81E37BBC 04D004D0

    _V1 *Essence*
    $0200 81E35530 000F423F
    $0200 81E36980 000F423F

    _V1 1 *Hit Kill **(kill most enemies with 1 hit)
    $0200 81E37DB4 FFFF0000
    $0200 81E37FE4 FFFF0000
    $0200 81E38214 FFFF0000
    $0200 81E38674 FFFF0000
    $0200 81E388A4 FFFF0000
    $0200 81E38444 FFFF0000
    $0200 81E38D04 FFFF0000

    _V1 *Oxygen*
    $0000 81E34E9C 00000064

    _V1 True Dragon Sword*
    $0200 81E35CB5 0100C900

    _V1 **Plasma Saber Mk.II**
    $0200 81E35D2A 000100F7

    _V1 **Kitetsu (Dokus Sword)**
    $0200 81E35DD2 00010183

    _V1 ****Dark Dragon Blade**
    $0200 81E35D92 000100CD

    _V1 *Dabilahro*
    $0200 81E35D0E 00030095

    _V1 *Lunar *
    $0200 81E35D1A 00400134

    _V1 Talisman*
    $0200 81E35D32 000200FB

    _V1 Elixir of Spiritual Life*
    $0200 81E35CD6 000500BE

    _V1 Great Spirit Elixir**
    $0200 81E35CDA 000200BF

    _V1 Ayanes Rations*
    $0200 81E35D02 00030172

    _V1 Elixir of the Devil Way*
    $0200 81E35CFA 000300C0

    _V1 Life of the Gods**
    $0200 81E35D2E 000A005A

    _V1 Fragrance of Dayflower*
    $0200 81E35D0A 00030181

    _V1 Fragrance of Hydrangea*
    $0200 81E35D12 0003017E

    _V1 The Armlet of Potency**
    $0200 81E35D4A 00010167

    _V1 The Armlet of Benediction*
    $0200 81E35D42 00010055

    _V1 The Armlet of Fortune*
    $0200 81E35D46 00010052

    _V1 The Armlet of Celerity*
    $0200 81E35D36 00010166

    _V1 The Art of the Inazuma*
    $0200 81E35DE6 000100AE

    _V1 The Art of the Ice Storm*
    $0200 81E35DCA 000100A0

    _V1 The Art of the Inferno*
    $0200 81E35D0A 0001000F



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