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Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention

游戏ID: PCSE00022

上传日期:2022-06-02 20:13:13


  • 暂无图片
  • # ID: PCSE00022
    # Title: Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention
    # Region: USA
    # Version: 1.00
    # Type: NoNpDrm
    # Code Author: monodevil
    # Wiki: PCSE00022
    # Source: PCSE00022.psv
    # Original Source: vitacheat-finalcheat-database.485343/page-91#post-8335797
    # Original Source: vitacheat-finalcheat-database.485343/page-92#post-8344976
    # Original Source: vitacheat-finalcheat-database.485343/page-94#post-8359544

    _V0 HL
    $0200 81939C80 4E729FFF
    $0200 81939C84 00000918

    _V0 Max Mana Character slot 1-10
    $0200 8193A8F8 0098967F
    $0200 8193D538 0098967F
    $0200 81940178 0098967F
    $0200 81942DB8 0098967F
    $0200 819459F8 0098967F
    $0200 81948638 0098967F
    $0200 8194B278 0098967F
    $0200 8194DEB8 0098967F
    $0200 81950AF8 0098967F
    $0200 81953738 0098967F

    _V0 Bonus Gauge always lvl 9
    $0100 81A7DAF2 00000009

    _V0 Infinite Dispatch [Note 1]
    $0000 81A7E1F9 0000000A

    _V0 999 HQ
    $0200 81BB34F8 000003E7

    _V0 Exp mod 1st Character slot [Note 2] [Note 6]
    $0200 81939CA8 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself
    $0200 81939CAC 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Exp mod 2nd Character slot [Note 2] [Note 6]
    $0200 8193C8E8 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself
    $0200 8193C8EC 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Exp mod 3rd Character slot [Note 2] [Note 6]
    $0200 8193F528 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself
    $0200 8193F52C 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Character in 1st slot Level 9999 [Note 2]
    $0200 81939CA8 FFFFFFFF
    $0200 81939CAC 00000030

    _V0 Item and Class World Low Command Attack Points
    $0100 81BB3436 00000001

    _V0 Reverse Pirating - Always Turn 1
    $0000 81A7DAE8 00000001

    _V0 Item world floor mod [Note 3] [Note 6]
    $0000 81BB3454 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 *Item Bag slot 1 codes*
    $0000 00000000 00000000

    _V0 Rarity mod [Note 6]
    $0000 81A02BF0 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Weapon stats slot 1 mod [Note 4] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B50 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: HP
    $0200 81A02B58 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: SP
    $0200 81A02B60 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: ATK
    $0200 81A02B68 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: DEF
    $0200 81A02B6C 00000000
    $0200 81A02B70 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: INT
    $0200 81A02B74 00000000
    $0200 81A02B78 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: SPD
    $0200 81A02B7C 00000000
    $0200 81A02B80 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: HIT
    $0200 81A02B84 00000000
    $0200 81A02B88 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: RES
    $0200 81A02B8C 00000000
    $0000 81A02BD2 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: LVL
    $0000 81A02BF3 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: POP
    $0000 81A02BF4 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: MOV

    _V0 Max Weapon stats slot 1 [Note 4] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B50 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: HP
    $0200 81A02B58 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: SP
    $0200 81A02B60 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: ATK
    $0200 81A02B68 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: DEF
    $0200 81A02B6C 00000000
    $0200 81A02B70 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: INT
    $0200 81A02B74 00000000
    $0200 81A02B78 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: SPD
    $0200 81A02B7C 00000000
    $0200 81A02B80 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: HIT
    $0200 81A02B84 00000000
    $0200 81A02B88 0015DFAF #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: RES
    $0200 81A02B8C 00000000
    $0000 81A02BD2 000000C8 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: LVL
    $0000 81A02BF0 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: Rarity
    $0000 81A02BF3 00000008 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: POP
    $0000 81A02BF4 0000001F #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value: MOV

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 1 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B0C 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 2 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B14 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 3 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B1C 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 4 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B24 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 5 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B2C 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 6 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B34 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 7 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B3C 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent mod slot 8 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B44 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 1 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B08 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 2 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B10 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 3 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B18 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 4 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B20 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 5 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B28 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 6 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B30 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 7 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B38 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Number of Innocents mod slot 8 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81A02B40 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent Warehouse: Innocent mod Slot 1 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81BB459C 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Innocent Warehouse: # of Innocents mod slot 1 [Note 5] [Note 6]
    $0200 81BB4598 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value yourself

    _V0 Notes:

    _V0 #1: Dont stack over 10 characters
    #DETAILS: Game will crash if you try to do anything with more the 10 characters stacked.

    _V0 #2 Turn code on then off when done
    #DETAILS: then go into a battle and win or leave to correct your stats. Summoning that character from the base panel can also corret their stats

    _V0 #3:Not useful for gaining item levels
    #DETAILS: Only use to steal from item God on last floor

    _V0 #4:Stats arent permanent and will revert
    #DETAILS: if messing with the item too much. Best way to use it is to equip item to a character and never remove it. Also equip it to an empty slot otherwise it reverts the stats.

    _V0 #5:For subdued innocents use the subdued innocent adresses wiki

    _V0 #6: These are modifier cheats. See Wiki for details.



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