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游戏ID: PCSE00905

上传日期:2022-06-02 17:06:27


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  • # ID: PCSE00905
    # Title: Adventures of Mana
    # Region: USA
    # Version: 1.00
    # Type: NoNpDrm
    # Code Author: r0ah, Borderlinez
    # Wiki: PCSE00905
    # Source: PCSE00905.psv
    # Original Source: forum/forum/playstation-hacking/playstation-vita-hacking/code-vault-ps3-aa/3279-pcse00905-pscb00975-adventures-of-mana#post3279
    # Note (Borderlinez): Tested on two different consoles and they worked

    _V0 Infinite Gold
    $0200 81573914 000F423F

    _V0 Infinite HP [Note 1]
    $4100 815738F4 000003E7
    $0002 00000008 00000000

    _V0 Infinite MP [Note 1]
    $4100 815738F8 000003E7
    $0002 00000008 00000000

    _V0 Max ATK
    $0100 81573904 000003E7

    _V0 Max DEF
    $0100 81573908 000003E7

    _V0 Max Stats x99
    $4000 81573918 00000063
    $0004 00000004 00000000
    $4000 8157392C 00000063
    $0004 00000004 00000000

    _V0 Max Stats x999
    $4100 81573918 000003E7
    $0004 00000004 00000000
    $4100 8157392C 000003E7
    $0004 00000004 00000000

    _V0 Max XP [Note 2]
    $0200 8157390C 000F423F

    _V0 -----Borderlinezs Code----- [Note 3]
    $0000 00000000 00000000

    _V1 Health stabilized 999/999 [Note 4]
    $0100 815738F4 000003E7
    $0100 815738FC 000003E7
    $0000 8157392C 00000071

    _V1 Magic Points stabilized 98/98 [Note 4]
    $0000 815738F8 00000062
    $0000 81573900 00000062
    $0000 81573930 0000007B
    $0000 81573934 0000008F

    _V1 Level 99 Player
    $0000 815738F0 00000063

    _V1 Attack 999/999
    $0100 81573904 000003E7

    _V1 Defense 999/999
    $0100 81573908 000003E7

    _V1 Red Gauge
    $0200 81573938 467A0000

    _V1 Vitality 98/98
    $0000 81573918 00000062

    _V1 Strength 98/98
    $0000 8157391C 00000062

    _V1 Mnd 98/98
    $0000 81573924 00000062

    _V1 Intellingence 98/98
    $0000 81573920 00000062

    _V1 Experience 999999/999999
    $0200 8157390C 000F423F
    $0200 81573910 000F423F

    _V1 Gp 99999 records as 65535
    $0200 81573914 0001869F

    _V1 Poison has minimum effect [Note 5]
    $0100 81573BAC 00000000

    _V1 Blindness has minimum effect [Note 5]
    $0100 81573BB4 00000000

    _V1 Petrified has minimum effect [Note 5]
    $0100 81573BB0 00000000

    _V0 Notes:
    $0000 00000000 00000000

    _V0 #1: Can get glitchy. Try to set your characters value.
    $0000 00000000 00000000

    _V0 #2: Youll get spammed so save before activating
    $0000 00000000 00000000 # Seriously. Youll regret activating this cheat. Use "Max Stats" instead.

    _V0 #3: Codes are activated from start (_V1)
    $0000 00000000 00000000

    _V0 #4: They kept twitching and glitching
    $0000 00000000 00000000

    _V0 #5: You will still be affected but it will not show on the screen
    $0000 00000000 00000000



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