上传日期:2022-05-23 04:29:40
《神之战:日本神话大战,GOD WARS The Complete Legend》以古代日本为背景,融合日本神话和童话故事,描写英雄活跃事迹的《GOD WARS》系列最新作。前作以其独特的世界观以及高度战略性,获得日本国内外高度评价,本作更加上新剧情、新可操作角色、大量战斗关卡以及各项改善更新,堪称「策略 RPG 的决定版」。
A long time ago, there was a beautiful land made up of three nations: Fuji, Izumo, and Hyuga. This land was called Mizuho. The people of Mizuho disliked conflict, honored their ancestral spirits, and lived in harmony with nature. However, over time, they began cultivating crops, forging and using metal, fighting war
A long time ago, there was a beautiful land made up of three nations: Fuji, Izumo, and Hyuga. This land was called Mizuho. The people of Mizuho disliked conflict, honored their ancestral spirits, and lived in harmony with nature. However, over time, they began cultivating crops, forging and using metal, fighting war