《生化危机:启示录2》故事将发生在一所让人毛骨悚然的监狱中,这所监狱位于一个让人毛骨悚然的小岛上,被一群僵尸围在四处是锁的监狱中,就算逃出监狱也被困在小岛上,根据最新报道,在《生化危机:启示录2》中,克莱尔将会回归,Barry Burton的女儿也将登场。
Kidnapped and left on a remote island, you take control of different characters – including former S.T.A.R.S. elite special forces legends Claire Redfield and Barry Burton – to fight back against your stomach-churning enemies and figure out what’s going on.
This collection brings all four chapters of the episodic RER2 series together – along with two side story episodes, the