上传日期:2022-05-23 04:29:53
士兵,战争将至,做好准备!玩家必须在“Attack of the Toy Tanks”主战役的六十个关卡和不同的竞技场中操作战争载具进行火拼,目标是成为最后幸存的战车。
War is coming whether you’re ready for it or not soldier! In Attack of the Toy Tanks, across the game’s 60 levels in the main campaign, players must take control of the provided vehicle of war and battle it out across different arenas and be the last tank standing.
War is coming whether you’re ready for it or not soldier! In Attack of the Toy Tanks, across the game’s 60 levels in the main campaign, players must take control of the provided vehicle of war and battle it out across different arenas and be the last tank standing.