上传日期:2022-05-23 04:29:59
《灰鹰幻境(Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk)》是由IDEA FACTORY制作的一款手绘风格的视觉小说。本作乃《黑蝶幻境》的正式续作,作为一款乙女向文字冒险游戏,延续了前作制作阵容,将故事搬到了另一个舞台,登场角色和剧情全部焕然一新。因此没有玩过前作的玩家也能够毫无压力地享受本作乐趣。
In a town controlled by two families, the Farshi (Falcon) and the Wolg (Wolf), a dreadful creature known as the witch, whose appearance is known to be a woman with red eyes, is said to cause misfortunes. Our heroine Eiar lives in the same town, but because her right eyes turn red whenever she’s feeling strong emotions, she has to live her life pretending to be a boy named Jed, lest the people persecute her as a witch. Despite the frequent con