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PSV 极限凸记萌萌编年史 中文版
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《极限凸记 萌萌编年史H》类型为迷宫RPG,角色设计为平野克幸。主人公伊欧是一名为人温柔,性格内向的普通少年。为了在异变中拯救世界,经由村中长老之力踏上了旅途。 该作整体剧情氛围诙谐轻松,苦恼于自身烦恼的主角伊欧还没缓过劲儿来就被扔去拯救世界,为了探索突然发生的天灾地变,还有怪物少女敌视人类的原因,主角将与青梅竹马的怪物少女莉莉亚展开冒险旅程。
Moero Chronicle is Compile Heart's Dungeon RPG follow-up to Genkai Toki Monster Monpiece – including Compile Heart's risque description of a “rubbing, pinching, panty-wearing RPG.”

The story follows Io, a young boy troubled by his profane and arguably perverted thoughts – creating a lot of difficulty when it comes to talking with girls. His relationship with his confedant and only real friend, a monster girl, creates some tension when the world starts expe

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