上传日期:2022-05-23 04:30:30
《杰克和吉尔DX》(Jack N' Jill DX)是一款独立休闲平台动作游戏,由Ratalaika Games SL制作发行。杰克和吉尔DX中很久以前,杰克和吉尔上山去取一桶水。他们的结局并非圆满,而且对于玩家来说也不顺利。在Jack N'Jill DX中,玩家必须承担杰克的角色,克服许多危险,以找到吉尔。
Once upon a time, Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. It didn’t particularly end well for them, and to be honest, things aren’t exactly great for another Jack and Jill either.
In Jack N’ Jill DX, players must assume the role of Jack, overcoming many hazards, in a bid to reach Jill, who awaits him at the end of 140 levels, in typical old-school one-button platformer fashion! But, for the p