《最终幻想世界(World of Final Fantasy)》是一款Q版风格的角色扮演游戏,游戏以经典游戏《最终幻想》中的世界为背景,向玩家讲述了一款全新的冒险故事。除了《最终幻想》中经典的角色加入外,游戏中还有全新的场景以及角色,当然也会有新的编曲以及新的怪物。游戏战斗系统最大的特色是3名角色叠罗汉的玩法。
Embark on an adventure unlike any before to an all new WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY. With charming, stylized visuals for both the young and the young at heart, players will collect, raise, and battle iconic monsters by stacking them to form adorable yet strategic monster towers. The memorable legends of FINAL FANTASY come to life in this imaginative, colorful world as an epic story fit for the smallest of heroes unfolds.
Two siblings journey to a mysterious land to rediscover their lost memories