本作讲述着美少女姐妹们与地狱魔王的血腥战争故事,KOEI TECMO公司采用独特的画风,与日系动漫完美的结合在一起,本作以“美少女X从魔XRPG”为噱头,描述孤身一人的少女,操控着以自身血液缔结契约的从魔,在邪妖横行的世界挣扎求生。
The world was once ruled by the Nightlord. In that world lived a Saint, destined to become a sacrifice to the Nightlord, and a Holy Knight, with the power to use Servans. The meeting of the girls changed the fate of the world.
Take your Servans and fight accross 'The Land Without Night' for the one you love!