上传日期:2022-05-23 04:30:55
本作是《抵抗》系列的衍生作品,同原系列一样是讲述人类与被称为“奇美拉”的生物之间关系生死存亡的激战的FPS作品。本作的世界观与因为感染病毒而变成异形的人的造型都给人很深的印象。总的来说整部作品都给人一种压抑和灰暗的感觉。 本作支持8人联网对战、包含6张地图在内的3种疯狂模式、武器升级系统、触屏功能。
Resistance: Burning Skies is a unique Resistance experience developed specifically for PS Vita that takes full advantage of the system's dual analog sticks and features an all-new hero and story written by William C. Dietz, author of Resistance: The Gathering Storm and Resistance: A Hole in the Sky.
Resistance: Burning Skies is a unique Resistance experience developed specifically for PS Vita that takes full advantage of the system's dual analog sticks and features an all-new hero and story written by William C. Dietz, author of Resistance: The Gathering Storm and Resistance: A Hole in the Sky.