上传日期:2022-05-23 04:31:08
《超级弹丸论破2:再见绝望学园(Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)》是一款由Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd.制作并发行的冒险解谜类游戏,本作是在2010年11月发售的PSP游戏《弹丸论破:希望学园与绝望的高中生》的续篇作品。 这次游戏的舞台将转移至南国小岛,学生们为了逃离出这个小岛,必须成功挑战希望峰学园校长黑白熊的”最美好热带风格”的互相残杀游戏,在上作中收录如同可动绘本般2.5D建模依旧存在,通过辩论论破找出真凶的”学级裁判”将会比前作更出众。
Jabberwock Island – once a popular tourist destination, this now uninhabited island remains oddly pristine. You and your classmates at the elite Hope's Peak Academy have been brought to this island by you
Jabberwock Island – once a popular tourist destination, this now uninhabited island remains oddly pristine. You and your classmates at the elite Hope's Peak Academy have been brought to this island by you