上传日期:2022-05-23 04:31:22
《女神异闻录3 舞动月夜》是一款根据著名RPG游戏《女神异闻录3》改编而成的音乐节奏游戏。在本周Fami通杂志中公开了一波最新游戏画面和主要角色介绍。此外游戏中将会收录的歌曲列表也一并公开。
One day, the members of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad are gathered in a room that becomes Club Velvet. Elizabeth, who calls herself Eli-P, suddenly appears before the confused group and loudly announces that she is going to throw a party. She informs the characters that they are going to show off their dance skills as her guests.
One day, the members of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad are gathered in a room that becomes Club Velvet. Elizabeth, who calls herself Eli-P, suddenly appears before the confused group and loudly announces that she is going to throw a party. She informs the characters that they are going to show off their dance skills as her guests.