上传日期:2022-05-23 04:31:27
《大都市:迷情中世纪(Metropolis: Lux Obscura)》是一款剧情向的冒险游戏,该作带有黑色电影的游戏氛围,里面包含有诱人放荡的女人以及肮脏危险的阴谋,而与其他游戏不同的是,该作是以漫画的形式来给各位展现精彩的剧情,并且玩家将以乔恩·洛克哈特的视角来你面对这个堕落的城市,同时努力地找寻陷害自己背后的敌人,至于丰富性的内容肯定不会令各位失望。
Jon Lockhart walked through the prison gates a free man, after spending years imprisoned as the supposed murderer of an old friend. He returned once more to the city where it all started intent on figuring out who it was that framed him for the murder and make them pay in blood for the crime. It'd take some work