《大胃王爵士》(Sir Eats A Lot)是一款带有冒险元素的横版动作游戏,由Eastasiasoft Limited负责发行。你是正义而丰满的大胃王爵士。踏上一场史诗级的探险来找出一名邪恶老女巫——歇斯底卡,她以酸柠檬汁在饕客顿王国中下了毒。快在这款令人垂涎三尺的冒险平台游戏中终结她的邪恶计画。
《大胃王爵士》(Sir Eats A Lot)是一款带有冒险元素的横版动作游戏,由Eastasiasoft Limited负责发行。你是正义而丰满的大胃王爵士。踏上一场史诗级的探险来找出一名邪恶老女巫——歇斯底卡,她以酸柠檬汁在饕客顿王国中下了毒。快在这款令人垂涎三尺的冒险平台游戏中终结她的邪恶计画。
《大胃王爵士》充分利用了 PS Vita 的各项硬体功能,包含触控萤幕、背面触碰板、相机与陀螺感应器。玩家们将能够进入卡通世界中来体验一段充满逗趣角色和精緻手绘图像的爆笑旅程。
The kingdom of Gluttington was at peace… until one day, Hysterica poisoned the Isotonic Waters with sour lemonade. That evil witch! The kingdom's crops are withering, but this plague has yet to befall all the lands. There is still hope! King Dietan III dispatches his greatest, bravest, stoutest knight to save the kingdom from certain ruin: Sir Eatsalot.
Explore a colorful world full of kooky characters, solve gripping puzzles, and make the most of your PlayStation Vita's h