歌曲的数量也是整个系列里最少的,如果算上DLC,本作就力压其他作品绝对坐稳了歌曲数量最少的宝座。歌曲一共30首,不包括教学曲的Ievan Polkka。而且其他歌手的存在感大为降低,除了初音未来以外其他歌手的专属歌曲每个人只有一首。
Digital Singers Take Over the Living Room – Produce live concerts accessorized to the max with unlockable costumes, songs, and stages to create custom live concert starring Hatsune Miku and her friends!
30 Miku Tracks – An assortment of new and classic Hatsune Miku music will be yours to jam to! The songs a