上传日期:2022-05-23 04:28:29
《闪乱神乐:忍乳负重》别称《闪乱神乐:女仆盛宴》,是一款由Marvelous AQL开发的操作简单,福利满载的的音乐休闲游戏,两名角色以“节拍料理”的形式对战,对战中会有多次“试吃”,评价不好的一方就会惨遭爆衣,最终服装被全部破坏的一方就地沦为“女体盛”。
Many speak of it, but rarely have human mouths ever tasted it: the pinnacle of culinary perfection… the Super Dish. Few shinobi have ever been able to prepare a dish so exquisite, but legendary shinobi and sushi chef Hanzo thinks that perhaps his students and their rivals are up to the task. He holds a contest to see which of the girls can hone her N
Many speak of it, but rarely have human mouths ever tasted it: the pinnacle of culinary perfection… the Super Dish. Few shinobi have ever been able to prepare a dish so exquisite, but legendary shinobi and sushi chef Hanzo thinks that perhaps his students and their rivals are up to the task. He holds a contest to see which of the girls can hone her N