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当前位置:PSV首页>PCSB00845-Level 22(英文版)
PCSB00845-Level 22(英文版)
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第一款设定在无情和疯狂的工作世界中的隐形游戏! 你上班迟到了吗?开始恐慌吧! 加里是一名上班族,在镇上喝得酩酊大醉后睡过头了。这就是问题的症结所在,因为这已经不是加里第一次上班迟到了,如果发现他再次排在其他人后面,他可能会被解雇。因此,他必须证明自己足够聪明和狡猾,才能爬上他和办公室之间的所有22层楼而不被发现。 躲在壁橱里,爬过通风口,沿着墙壁溜走……没人能发现你!尽你所能到达关卡的终点:躲在报纸后面,用脚踢砸自动售货机,或者用甜甜圈引诱保安离开。 从地下室到老板办公室,通过研发实验室,探索22层的古怪小宇宙,加里的不幸。
pkg2zip.exe -x EP4540-PCSB00845_00-LEVEL22GAME00000.pkg KO5ifR1dQ+e7BpiYmsBUW5iYguz3cQ1z9TEycnf0dQVbis9/go8LxB8EvTfus5jwQd3wUBllocWyYTTF0BYAAATEFKkA
THE FIRST STEALTH GAME SET IN THE MERCILESS AND FRENETIC WORLD OF WORK! Are You Late For Work? Start Panicking! Gary is an office worker who oversleeps after a drunken night out on the town. Here’s where it gets tricky, because this isn’t the first time Gary’s been late for work, and he could be fired if he’s spotted arriving at his desk after everyone else yet again. So he’ll have to prove he’s smart and sneaky enough to make his way up all the 22 floors between him and his office without being seen. Hide in closets, crawl through air vents, slink along the walls… nobody must spot you! Use everything in your reach to get to the end of the level: hide behind a newspaper, smash a vending machine with a well-aimed kick, or use donuts to lure the security guards away. From the basement to the boss’s office via the research and development labs, explore the zany little universe of LEVEL 22, Gary’s Misadventures.
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