上传日期:2022-05-23 04:28:34
《火箭鸟:铁汉雄鸡》由新加坡华人团队Ratllop Asia制作最新3D横向卷轴动作过关游戏。游戏支持单人游戏,如果玩家有游戏手柄的话也支持键盘和手柄双人游戏。游戏自带繁体中文,在控制选项中选择语言环境。
Set out on a mission to assassinate the totalitarian penguin leader as Hardboiled Chicken. Solve Puzzles and destroy enemies with a slew of weapons and illuminate the secrets to his past while uncovering the real enemies of Albatropolis. Master fowl play in the co-op campaign as a pair of B