上传日期:2022-05-23 04:28:47
《跨越我的尸体2》是Alfa System开发,SCE发行的RPG游戏。也是时隔15年之久后推出的PS平台《跨越我的尸体》续作。从游戏名称就能够感受到,这是一个独特的游戏,而且是一个相对小众的作品。不仅如此,无论是15年前的初代还是今年推出的续作都是一款独一无二的传统JRPG游戏。
Guide your clan over multiple generations on an epic quest to lift a curse against your bloodline, battling cruel enemies and spectacular bosses in this turn-based RPG set in ancient Japan.
Unite with gods inspired by Japanese mythology to ensure each new generation is more powerful than the last.
Choose from 8 unique classes for the warriors of your clan, including Fen